A fan coil unit (FCU) contains a fan which draws the air in a space into the unit then blows it over a cooling or heating coil. The air comes out of the FCU either cooler or hotter than before. They are used in some office buildings and shopping centres and typically specified where there are multiple small spaces requiring individual control. Typically an individual FCU serves only up to 150m², so there can be tens or even hundreds in a building. FCUs are, however, most commonly used as a supplement to a building for which other HVAC systems provide the majority of the air-conditioning.

Energy efficiency
FCU systems are of average efficiency only but if well maintained and operated can produce a good level of efficiency. They are generally not as efficient as standard alternatives such as variable volume air conditioning, chilled beams and displacement systems.
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Office Address
H-458, Azad Marg, Near Janta Girls School, C-Scheme, Jaipur -302001, Rajasthan.
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Office Time
10:00AM To 06:00PM